Related Projects

TARGET Project
The TARGET project is a research and innovation project implementing the Pan-European platform for serious gaming and training call funded under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Commission. The project began in May 2015 and will run until April 2018. The mission of TARGET is to develop, trial and assess a comprehensive open distributed pan-European Platform for serious gaming leveraging state-of-the-art decision support tools, for the training and competence assessment of Security Critical Agents (SCA) including counterterrorism units, border guards and first responders (police, firefighters, ambulance services, civil security agencies or critical infrastructure operators). TARGET favours joint development of serious gaming Training Content (TC) and collaborative transnational training. TARGET will trigger the emergence of a marketplace for sharing, licensing and paying for serious TC between SCA, leveraging the existing European wealth of exercises.

AUGGMED is a H2020 project which is developing a serious game platform to enable single and team-based multi-agency training for terrorist and organised crime threats. Trainers and trainees will be able to access non-linear scenarios with learning outcomes that will improve the acquisition of emotional management, analytical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills. The game scenarios will include advanced simulations of operational environments, agents, telecommunications and threats, and will be delivered through virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) environments with multimodal interfaces.