Second Review: Fully Achieved!
LAW-TRAIN passed the second year’s review meeting with the result of having “fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period!”
We are honored to present the results for LAW-TRAIN’s second review meeting with the European Commission on 15th of June 2017:
“The project has fully achieved its objectives and milestones for the period and following is allowed to be continued with no modifications”.
The general comments that are part of the overall project assessment and used to describe the results more in detail are also positive. For example, the Commission emphasizes the development to have been greatly improved, “no issues requiring immediate corrective actions were identified”. Beyond, the quality of the submitted deliverables has been assessed as “very high”. Therefore, all required deliverables have been considered as acceptable without any further recommendation.
Furthermore, the reviewers especially praised the fact that the project’s “work is based on current best practice in investigative interviewing (the PEACE) model.” This model has been recommended by the United Nations as the best model to prevent mistreatment and coercion of suspects and to safeguard the human rights of suspects.
The LAW-TRAIN consortium is extremely satisfied and proud with the review’s results and is now looking forward to keep and further improve the good and collaborative work in the coming final year of the project!
One main goal until the project’s end will be to extend and refine the functionalities of the current firstly integrated system for innovative training of joint investigative interviews, with special attention on the interaction between trainee and virtual suspect.