LAW-TRAIN Best Practise for VR/AR
On September 21th, Alina Köhler (USECON) was invited to speak at the Magic of Innovation Conference in Vienna which focused on Innovation in the Insurance sector. Topic of her talk has been “User Experience in Virtual & Augmented Reality”.
Interaction with technologies determines nearly every aspect of life nowadays. Innovation departments are continuously working on great new technological solutions for various kinds of approaches in diverse practical fields. It is very necessary to include the user in the developing process as early as possible to create a positive User Experience. Business, Experience and Technology: In order to generate long-term sustainability and economic value, organizations with different professional disciplines should combine their knowledge!
Throughout her talk, Alina used LAW-TRAIN as best practise example of how Virtual & Augmented Reality have already been successfully implemented in the training branch with focus on safety & security and collaboration aspects.