LAW-TRAIN – major success at Milipol 2017
LAW-TRAIN’s presentation received a very positive echo among the visitors at MILIPOL Paris 2017. Interested people had the possibility to gain information at the stand and try out the virtual training platform or be part of an exhibitor workshop.
Milipol – leading event of homeland security
Milipol Paris owes its reputation as leading event of homeland security to incredible dates: 30.000 visitors, 1.000 exhibitors and 160 official delegations.
From 21st to 24th November, Milipol 2017, the leading event for homeland security took place in Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. Milipol Paris was organized under the patronage of the French Ministry of Interior in partnership with several governmental bodies.
On the subject of “Take Up the Challenge of a Safer World”, the event highlighted the latest technical innovations and future challenges of the security sector. It covered all areas of homeland security, such as civil defense, law enforcement, anti terrorism or fight against organised crime etc.
Successful presentation of the virtual training platform
LAW-TRAIN aims to be used in future for the purpose of training cross border, collaborative investigative interviewing of European law enforcement agencies. Its focus on training was LAW-TRAIN’s main attraction point at Milipol Paris.
As a consortium of ten partners we were delighted to present LAW-TRAIN at a stand (6 S 155) as well as within an exhibitor workshop entitled „LAW-TRAIN: a virtual training platform for multi-national law-enforcement teams (H2020)“. At the booth directly, people were able to gain insights into the brandnew demoversion of the virtual investigation training platform and were able to test this outstanding system by themselves. All project partners were more than happy to talk to visitors and provided detailed information about this groundbreaking project in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented and Virtual Reality.
All in all we received very positive feedback. Visitors were very interested in further details and wanted to be kept informed about this new and innovative training platform.
Please find some impressions of our successful visit of Milipol Paris on Flickr.