Ethics Check: we passed “excellently”!
We proudly announce that LAW-TRAIN has recently passed the Ethics Check by H2020 with the result “Good to excellent compliance with the H2020 ethical guidelines” concerning all requested items! Congratulations to all partners who have been contributing to this excellent assessment.
The assessment is subdivided into five different categories which are “Project scope”, “Identification of the issues raised by the project”, “Ethics issues”, “Necessary documents” and “Overall Assessment”. Further insights into the assessment process of the panel will be provided in detail in the following paragraph.
After identifying and assessing the scope of LAW-TRAIN, issues raised by the project, such as, the integration of humans, involvement of personal data, involvement of non-EU countries, involvement of Dual Use and Environment & Health and safety have been assessed. Regarding the Ethics Issues the panel considered that those were correctly identified and addressed by the project participants. Internal and external ethical supervisors and integrated monitoring structures have been evaluated as appropriate and all required documents have been submitted. No further requirements have been named and a second European Commission Ethics Check has been assessed as unnecessary.
To summarize the H2020 Ethics Check, the panel certifies LAW-TRAIN with the agreement that all required ethical issues within the project have been successfully addressed and fulfilled.
Read more about our Ethical Guidelines here.