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LAW-TRAIN successful at CEPOL 2017

LAW-TRAIN successful at CEPOL 2017

From 28th to 30rd November, CEPOL 2017 Research and Science Conference took place in National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary. We are proud of the fact that we have been successfully presented LAW-TRAIN to an interested audience.

CEPOL 2017 – Research and Science Conference

The CEPOL 2017 Research and Science Conference was visited by practitioners in policing and other areas of law enforcement, trainers, educators and scientific scholars from Europe and other parts of the world. Due to the fact that the core topic of CEPOL was police and law enforcement training, LAW-TRAIN fit perfectly in with its presentation of the virtual training platform.

On the subject of “Innovation“, the conference examined the implications of innovations in law enforcement. LAW-TRAIN was presented within the open paper sessions as well as in the poster and demo area.

Paper presentation “The role of a Virtual Trainer”

On Wednesday 29th November, Diogo Rato from INESC-ID talked about “The role of a Virtual Trainer: training transnational police collaboration and suspect interview”.

Visitors were keen to test the platform

Visitors were invited to test their investigative interview skills by trying out the demo version of the virtual training platform. The LAW-TRAIN staff was pleased to present this cost effective and highly realistic training platform and answer questions concerning the newest technologies of VR/AR and AI which are being used in this ground-breaking project.

As a conclusion, we received very positive feedback at CEPOL 2017. It was a terrific opportunity to present LAW-TRAIN as a consortium of multidisciplinary partners but also as a training tool for different types of police investigations. Visitors were keen for further details and wanted to be kept informed about this new and innovative training platform. We will continue to give our best by further improving this virtual training platform.

Find detailed information on the conference.