Recap-European Researchers’ Night
In the course of the “European Researchers’ Night” which the European Union organises every year simultaneously in several hundred cities, the Bar-Ilan University presented LAW-TRAIN on 21st of September in Tel Aviv.
The goal of this event was to inform the public, families and friends about the activities of researchers and about the impact of their findings on people’s daily lives. Located at the European projects area, LAW-TRAIN, raised a huge interest amongst many of the 4500 visitors to the event, who were intrigued by the project’s vision to train law-enforcement agents using artificial intelligence and virtual reality methods. Children and adults alike asked Dr. Galit Nahari and Ms Ayelet Sapir, researchers at the Bar-Ilan University and responsible for the project coordination, many questions regarding the virtual aspect of the project.
In particular, visitors were most interested in the Virtual Suspect’s intelligence, the virtual environment and the scenarios that will be generated to train law enforcement officers. Furthermore, the collaboration between the different police forces and federal prosecutor was fascinating and many have asked if the final solution will be adopted by other countries as well.
Visitors have expressed the hope to revisit the project in next year’s event with the wish of seeing some demos of the system.