LAW-TRAIN Symposium at EAPL

LAW-TRAIN Symposium at EAPL

Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law From 28th to 31st May, the Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law took place in Mechelen, Belgium on the subject of “Breaking new grounds in Psychology and Law: Futuristic or imminent?” The scientific program addressed the key issues that arise from machine learning and the



On 16th of May, USECON’s second episode in a series of webinars in 2017 has been streamed. The subject on this time’s webinar was “Virtual & Augmented Reality”, where Alina Köhler, Lead of WP8 “Dissemination & Exploitation”, told the audience about LAW-TRAIN in the use cases for virtual reality, as this is a best practise example of

Interview with LAW-TRAIN partners

Interview with LAW-TRAIN partners

Ayelet Sapir, Project Management Bar-Ilan University, Omer Eizenberg from the Technology Partner Compedia, Emma Jaspaert & Geert Vervaeke from KU Leuven, responsible for Methodology and Galit Nahari, Ethics Director Bar-Ilan University, summarize the main goals and objectives of LAW-TRAIN, the ethical issues we follow, as well as the challenges that lie within the project.

Prof. Sarit Kraus’ Keynote at AVIOS 2017

Prof. Sarit Kraus’ Keynote at AVIOS 2017

Prof. Sarit Kraus’ Keynote at Applied Voice Input Output Society (AVIOS) Conference at the Holon Institute of Technology, Israel Prof. Sarit Kraus from the Bar-Ilan University hold the keynote within the Academic Session of this year’s AVIOS HIT Conference in Holon, Israel about “Computer Agents that act proficiently with people”, where LAW-TRAIN was introduced as

Prof. Sarit Kraus at IMVC 2017

Prof. Sarit Kraus at IMVC 2017

Prof. Sarit Kraus as a speaker at the Israel Machine Vision Conference & Exhibition (IMVC) 2017 Prof. Sarit Kraus talked about Human-Computer Interface at the Israel Machine Vision Conference & Exhibition in March 2017. Within her description of Virtual Investigative Interviewing Games, she pointed out LAW-TRAIN as a practical example. Have a look at her

LAW-TRAIN welcomes new partner

LAW-TRAIN welcomes new partner

We would like to welcome a new partner on board: Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane – the central unit of the Romanian Police. They will act as end user partners together with Guardia Civil from Spain, Ministry of Public Security & Israel National Police as well as the Belgian Federal Prosecutor. Their main task within the

EU Project LAW-TRAIN Press Release

EU Project LAW-TRAIN Press Release

This is a press release of LAW-TRAIN. A downloadable version can be found in the press section. LAW-TRAIN – Development of a virtual interviewing training system that aims to fight against drug crime The European Union is funding the international Horizon 2020 project “LAW-TRAIN”, which will be established for the training of intercultural, cross-border, collaborative interviewing

Ethics Check: we passed “excellently”!

Ethics Check: we passed “excellently”!

We proudly announce that LAW-TRAIN has recently passed the Ethics Check by H2020 with the result “Good to excellent compliance with the H2020 ethical guidelines” concerning all requested items! Congratulations to all partners who have been contributing to this excellent assessment. The assessment is subdivided into five different categories which are “Project scope”, “Identification of