Interview with Shai Newman

Interview with Shai Newman

Mr. Hidemitsu Kibe, the Chief Middle East Correspondent of NIKKEI – The Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper – has visited Compedia on September 11st 2016. The newspaper, that belongs to the Japanese stock exchange, is one of the most important financial newspapers in Japan. Compedia’s Co-owner and CO-CEO Mr. Shai Newman was interviewed by the Japanese paper about its

European Researchers’ Night 2016

European Researchers’ Night 2016

On September 22nd Compedia participated in the “European Researchers’ Nights 2016” held at the Bar-Ilan University Campus. Compedia was one of only four external companies who were invited to demonstrate its technological capabilities in a private stand. In the event, Compedia presented its innovative Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality innovations in education, corporate training, security and homeland

Intelligent Computer Systems at Exhibition

Intelligent Computer Systems at Exhibition

The Israeli airport Ben Gurion is hosting an exhibition regarding scientific achievements. One of the exhibits in it is Prof. Sarit Kraus’ work in LAW-TRAIN. For more than twenty years has Prof. Kraus tried to make robots and humans talk to each other, negotiate and work as a team. Scientific research is a universal language that serves

LAW-TRAIN at the RoX 2015 Conference

LAW-TRAIN at the RoX 2015 Conference

In the course of the World Usability Day on the 12th of November 2015, USECON presented the LAW-TRAIN project at its RoX – Return on eXperience – Conference 2015. The RoX Conference aims to inform leading professionals from various industries (banking, insurance, IT, machinery, e-commerce, retail) about USECON and its customer experience projects. In one of

Recap-European Researchers’ Night

Recap-European Researchers’ Night

In the course of the “European Researchers’ Night” which the European Union organises every year simultaneously in several hundred cities, the Bar-Ilan University presented LAW-TRAIN on 21st of September in Tel Aviv. The goal of this event was to inform the public, families and friends about the activities of researchers and about the impact of
European Researchers’ Night

European Researchers’ Night

The European Union is organizing a mega event called the “European Researchers’ Night”, which will take place on Friday the 25th of September. The initiative takes place every year simultaneously in several hundred cities all over Europe and beyond. The goal of the Researchers’ Night is to inform the public, families and friends about the

Interview with Galit Nahari

Interview with Galit Nahari

Dr. Galit Nahari from the Bar-Ilan University group was interviewed in Erev Hadash, TV news program of the Israeli Educational Television, on the 26.6.2015. Dr. Nahari mainly talked about the Virtual Suspect (VS) and its nature, explaining that the Virtual Suspect has a personality, memory and an emotional and cognitive state and that the Virtual Suspect’s responses to the investigators’ questions are based

Interview with Researcher Sarit Kraus

Interview with Researcher Sarit Kraus

Professor Sarit Kraus is the Coordinator and Technical Director of LAW-TRAIN. In a recent interview with one of Israel’s leading newspapers the professor from the Bar-Ilan University explains the importance, benefits and objectives of running a project like LAW-TRAIN. We summarized the most important points and key messages from the interview. The Virtual Suspect is on

EU Project LAW-TRAIN-Press Release

EU Project LAW-TRAIN-Press Release

This is the first press release of LAW-TRAIN. A downloadable version can be found in the press section. ICT Research Initiative aims to develop an investigation training system The European Commission is funding the project Mixed-reality environment for training teams in joint investigative intelligent interview training simulator (LAW-TRAIN), which is led by Bar-Ilan University, Department of

Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-Off Meeting

On the 1st and 2nd of June 2015 the Kick-Off Meeting of LAW-TRAIN was held in Israel. All ten Consortium partners attended the event in order to present and discuss workpackages, tasks and deliverables. The kick-off was hosted by the project coordinator, Bar-Ilan University from Israel. This report presents a quick introduction to the project